Sunday, December 29, 2013


In previous post i stated that i'm more on the church side than Darvins when comes to creation of human and world as we know it. The Bible claims that the God created entire word as we know it in only seven days(number 7 is a leitmotif through entire Bible).. God created Earth, sky, day - night, plants, animals and human. God gived that name to that human. He called him Adam.God saw that Adam was lonly, and he took one rib from him, and from that him the God created female. God called her Eva. Eva opened opened eyes to Adam, and all of us... That b**ch just had to eat that apple. Ignorance is a bless, some say... OK back to the topic. Those of you who read the Bible probably noticed something weird. Entire population became from Adam and Eve. Which means Eve gave borth to several daughters and sons. Which means those brothers and sisters had intercorse with each other, and their kids had intercorse with each other... And we know that by the God that is a BIG no no.(p.s. that means we are all degenerates) But to those of you that are hardcore christians, you guys don't care beacuse you see only what your religion show you.  Another thing, when you start reading Bible from the beginning, you notice how everything goes in some kind of order, a gradual gradation. God created Earth, sky, animals etc... Everything kinda slowly starts to unfolds until Adam and Eve start to reproduce. At that point you have a big leep. Like something is missing... When you continue to read the Bible you will notice that a lot of things are unfinished, inconclusive. Durin during the reign of Diocletian, Constantine and Galien(i mention only this two names because they are most relevant to this topic.) Christianity has suffered the greatest persecution, but also a freedom. In order to bring down chrsitianity to bigger masses Bible had to suffer some changes. So few pages here and there are tosed out from the picture, and whoala we have THE BIBLE. The cause for wars, the cause for difrences and all that nasty thing. Than when we add difrent religions in to the picture faith and belief of the people are starting to use to manipulate the same people. And the whole Bible and religion thing are starting stand on a shaky legs. This is the reason why I personaly keep relegion and faith in God separate. It doesn't matter how you call the God, how you call the holy rituals and how you perfor them... Only thing that matters is that you believe in Him. If you believe, if you stick to basic moral, human codes, if you stick to The Decalogue, The Ten Commandments you will go to the heaven, no matter what religion you are. Simply as that.
Stay tunned, we just started to warm up. :)

Written by: Milos Birovic
Edited by: Cassi Merten

*The next few post written by me will be a small sneak peek in to a book that I'm preparing to publish. You could say that it will be a small on-line version of it. Yes in the real book it will be precise dates, numbers and all that boring stuff.*


Have you ever wonder, how  the world as we know was created? Have you ever wonder, how was the enternal universe created? Have you ever wonder, how were the humans, animals and plants created?
I know I did. I have wondered since I saw the light of day. When we are little we litteraly absorb all information around us, like a sponge. As all of you, dear readers, I absorbed all information around me. First I learned through cartoons and encyclopedias for kids that the planet emerged by the Sun after the Big Bang, and then slowly started to cool. Than the school taught us the Kant-Laplace theory as the most relevant. For those who don't know or don't remember the theory, here is a short flashback. Kant-Laplace theory a.k.a. Nebular hypothesis is the most accepted theory explaining formation and evolution of Solar System (and The Milk Way ). The theory, about the Solar System is it is formed out of nebular masses/materials in space. Early beliefs were that the Earth was created by the Gods, and some believed that the Earth was in the shape of a disk (like a modern CD). Than some never believs were that the Earth is in shape of a ball and that the Earth is in center of universe and everything else revolves around her. This is called geocentric system and at that time church taught the people that this is the only truth. Then Galileo came in the picture with his heliocentric theory, which we know for sure that is the TRUTH. Sun is in the center, and other planets revolves around it. But the church didn't like that so they put him under house arrest. Some say that his last words were "Eppur si muove" , ruff translation would be "nevertheless it's turning" . Than we have theorys  how the humans, animals and plants are created. In the beginning it was the Gods that created humans and etc. Than we have the theory that the God(Jehovah, Allah, God....) created humans and etc... Then Darvin showed up. You know, that creepy lookin' guy that was kicked out from medical college, who later married his cousin. Well this lovely chap claimed that the plants and animals came from simple,cells you know amoebas and such... But the best part is that the humans came from a monkeys... Monkeys started to evolve/mutate bit by bit until modern human, homo sapiens sapiens is born. Personally I'm more on the church side than on this one. (I'm not on the church side about all things, but we will talk later about that). So Darvin basically said, as I see it, one monkey fell from the tree and became human. While other monkey stayed on the tree and continued to eat banana... So here we have some basic theories and beliefs that were poppin' out from the beginning of human era till now. In the  next posts I will start to expose my theory and beliefs. So stay tuned, trust me it is going to be very interesting to you dear readers.

Written by: Milos Birovic
Edited by: Cassi Merten

*The next few post written by me will be a small sneak peek in to a book that I'm preparing to publish. You could say that it will be a small on-line version of it. Yes in the real book it will be precise dates, numbers and all that boring stuff.*