Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Sitnice Znace/ Small things matter

Imam 25 godina, radim dva posla i pored toga radim i privatno, kad ugrabim vremena. Zivim kao podstanar sa devojkom sa kojom sam nepune 4. godine u vezi. Stalno sam u jurnjavi za parama... Sada jurim pare za kiriju, rezije, dnevne potrebstine... U 7. razredu sam poceo da radim sa caletom u radionici. Od tada moji ne znaju za "trebaju mi nove patike" "trebaju mi pare za eksurziju" trebaju mi pare za grad" ... U srednjoj skoli svi su bezali sa casova da bi isli po kaficima, a ja da bi bacao dzakove sa dva ortaka KAN,UREA(djubriva), 50e po sleperu, 3-4 slepera svaki dan... Kad je trebalo da se krene na faks moji nisu znali sta je to "treba mi lova za skripte, za ispit, za stan... " Nekom je sve to lepo, al' ja se ne secam kad sam se zadnji put necemu obradovao... Onako istinski kao malo dete kad dobije cipiripi ili ogromnu igracku u novogodisnjem paketicu... Treba se radovati i zadovoljavati malim stvarima i sitnicama. Ali ja tu sitnicu jos nisam nasao...

I'm 25, I'm working two jobs, and I do some private business, when I grab the time. I live in a rented apartment with a girlfriend. I'm chasing money 24/7... Now I chase  money for rent, utilities, daily necessities ... In the 7th grade I started to work with dad in his workshop. Since then, my parents did not hear about "I need new shoes," "I need the money for excursion," "I need the money to go out "... In high school, all the guys fled from classes in order to go to coffee shops, while  I was skipping clases in order to throw sacks of  fertilizer with two friends of mine, 50e by truck, 3-4 trucks per day  ... when I was in college my parents did not hear, "I need money for scripts, for tests, for a flat ... " To most of you this is cool, but I do not remember when was the last time I was truly delighted ... you know like a little kid when he gets favorite candy bar or a huge toy in the New Year's gifts ... We should look forward to the little things and meet little things with joy. But that little thing I still have not found ...